Midweek Run

Swansea Workers Club 9 Rawson Street, Swansea, NSW, Australia

Mid Week Gathering Wed 14 Sept—Swansea Workers Club. Arrive approx 11.30 for 12 lunch. Contact Kay Bowden if you are attending.

Clubman Run

Clubrooms 68 Elder Street, Lambton, NSW, Australia

Departing from the Clubrooms at 10am sharp, with Morning Tea (BYO) on the way and Lunch at the Riverside Cafe Budgewoi. Owner George will give us a waterside table overlooking the canal. Cafe is mainly seafoods with a smaller selection of hamburgers and salads. Servings are generous! Morning tea at the park on northern side … Continue reading Clubman Run

Tuning Run

McDonalds Hexham 23 Maitland Road, Hexham, New South Wales, Australia

Meet at Maccas Hexham (rear car park) so be in your car with the engine running & ready to let the clutch out at @ 9am Sharp. A leisurely beachside drive to Redhead Mens Shed for an extended morning tea hosted by the Mens Shed, and a one hour historical talk and tour of the … Continue reading Tuning Run


Square Riggers Lunch

Café Inu, Carrington 43 Denison Street, Carrington, New South Wales, Australia

Committee Meeting

Clubrooms 68 Elder Street, Lambton, NSW, Australia

Club Night

Clubrooms 68 Elder Street, Lambton, NSW, Australia

Midweek Run

Holmesville Hotel 21 George Street, Holmesville, NSW, Australia

Mid Week Gathering Wed 12 Oct at the Holmesville Hotel. Arrive approx 11.30 for 12 lunch. Contact Kay Bowden if you are attending.

Motor Racing Movie Feast

Clubrooms 68 Elder Street, Lambton, NSW, Australia

Steve has a bunch of Goodwood Revival videos to show on the big screen, with Pizza & Popcorn. Come on down for a MG Movie Feast.

Clubman Run

Clubrooms 68 Elder Street, Lambton, NSW, Australia

Departing the Clubrooms at 10am sharp, with Morning Tea on the way at Mt Sugarloaf and Lunch at our destination, the Wangi Wangi Workers Club.

Annual Concours – See New Date 30 Oct

Lambton Park Elder Street & Morehead Street, Lambton, NSW, Australia

Due to concerns about the condition of the park, this event has been slipped 1 week to 30 Oct. See https://www.huntermg.com/event/annual-concours-new-date/

GEAR Meeting

Sydney Motorsport Park Ferrers Road, Eastern Creek, New South Wales, Australia

GEAR Meeting @ Sydney Motorsport Park, Eastern Creek.

Tuning Run

McDonalds Hexham 23 Maitland Road, Hexham, New South Wales, Australia

Meet at Maccas Hexham (rear car park) so be in your car with the engine running & ready to let the clutch out at @ 9am Sharp. Our problem is weather and state of the roads. We decided that if it’s a good day we will have a longer run, shorter if wetter. We also … Continue reading Tuning Run